The Aikido dojo (meaning ‘place of The Way’) provides a secure and friendly environment
where we can begin 
to see and understand our fears, anxieties, reactions and habits.

Aikido training is entirely non-competitive and fosters a cooperative and supportive attitude.
The concentration and discipline required for Aikido training brings focus to our daily lives.

Aikido challenges us to improve our skills and attempt new things.
By achieving these skills, we gain confidence in our ability to maintain stability whenever we encounter difficulty.

If your attitude and thoughts are positive, your life reflects positive results. We are looking forward to your visit!

Class Times

Adults – 12 years +Beginners and senior students

Thursday – Arrive at 6 pm to help with mats

Class from 6.30 pm to 8 pm

For details please contact
Michael Karkkainen 0412 803 310